Food Insecurity
Food insecurity, coupled with houselessness, is a major humanitarian issue in our city at this time. Though our hot meals program has been on hold since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, our Community Engagement committee and our Deacons have found safe ways to help our community.
Thanks to Community Engagement who has spearheaded the project, the Little Free Pantry in front of the church (on Greenwood Ave) is regularly stocked with both fresh and non-perishable items by members of our congregation. Donations -- monetary or in-kind -- have been pouring in for months. Thank you to all those who have contributed food and money, time and energy. The community has benefited greatly from the LFP.
Additionally, thanks to our Deacons, we keep grocery store gift cards in the office, to be handed out to those who visit the church asking for assistance.
If you or a friend are an individual in need of help, take a look at this compilation of local resources.