As we stride ever onward, now into a summer that promises to be one like we have never experienced before, we continue to take a moment each day with music. Throughout these next few months, look for some more offbeat choices, many more of your own community selections and comments, and as ever, a little injection of faith, hope, and love into your day.
Got a song you just love? Email to tell Jeff about it!

The great Joan Armatrading has been knocking around the rock-soul world for 50 years. Yesterday’s encounter with Tracy Chapman reminded me of Joan - she and Tracy have a similar vulnerable bluntness in their lyrics, as well as a shared tendency toward music that employs strong, repetitive musical motifs. (Incidentally, we’ll get another visit from both Elizabeth Bryant and Tracy Chapman in a couple weeks!) When I thought to go listen to some Joan Armatrading, I learned that just this past June, at the age of 70, she released an all new album!
As with much of her music, Consequences is a record of straightforward introspection, a meditation on what love is in the smallest and biggest ways. The song I chose to share today is called “Better Life.” Its base is a light-hearted reggae beat, drawing on the traditions of Joan’s birthplace, Saint Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla in the West Indies. With the inherently carefree bounce of the reggae beat, Armatrading puts a positive spin on concepts of self-evaluation, self-love, global perspective, and discerning necessary action. It’s done so simply and accessibly, making it, in my opinion, a perfect meditation for us today.
All you want for everyone is a better life, a better life
All you want from love is the best love, the best love
And all you want from me is what I have to give
Just being who you are means a better life, a better life
Some people sit in their Ivory tower
With the Midas touch, the Midas youch
A kind word has more healing power
It's precious, more precious
Look inside yourself
Make your thoughts the best
All you have to be is a love junkie, love junkie
Change can heal the world
And all you gotta do is change yourself
There are rules for a better life
Don't live with hate, live positive
Smile a lot and the world looks good
Your happy face looks right back at you
Don't compare yourself to everybody else
Live the life you love
For a better life, a better life
Change can heal the world
And all you gotta do is change yourself
Memories can last forever
Remember how short a life is
Plan how you will enjoy it
Be happy, be happy
Look inside yourself
Make your thoughts the best
All you have to be is a love junkie, love junkie
Don't compare yourself to everybody else
Live the life you love
For a better life, a better life
Look inside yourself
Make your thoughts the best
Just being who you are
Means a better life, a better life
Don't compare yourself to everybody else
Live the life you love
For a better life, a better life
Holy One, Help me internalize “rules for a better life.”
We also lift up the following prayers shared during last Sunday's worship service:
For the people affected by the earthquake in Haiti.
Even in our separation, God, help us to feel the deep delight of your love for all. Amen.