This July and August we are collaborating with other Presbyterian churches in North Seattle for joint worship services! This partnership is another element of our summer series' focus on Christian Nationalism and the reading of the Theological Declaration of Barmen and the Confession of Belhar.
[See this PDF version of the Book of Confessions to read both Barmen and Belhar.]
Please join us in this exciting rotation as we worship with our siblings in the PCUSA. We look forward to welcoming members of Northminster and Wallingford to our sanctuary at WPPC on August 18th. If you require assistance with transportation to Northminster or Wallingford, contact Pastor Joe!
Please take a close look at the calendar below so that you know where to be and when!
July 21st: Northminster Presbyterian
7706 25th Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98117
Street parking only
10:30am worship, coffee hour to follow
It's "pick-up choir" day at NPC on this date. Any curious or interested in joining in the joyful, playful sound should meet at Northminster at 9:30 to learn the song for the day.
August 4th: Wallingford Presbyterian
1414 N 42nd St, Seattle, WA 98103
Street parking only
10:30am worship, lunch to follow
August 18th: WPPC hosting
225 N 70th St, Seattle, WA 98103
Street parking only
Note that Sundays 7/14, 7/28 are typical "WPPC-only" services, and 8/11 is our WPPC worship + picnic in the park. Lots of fun to come!