This year for our Lenten Book Study we will be reading a spiritual autobiography by Cole Arthur Riley called This Here Flesh: Spirituality, Liberation, and the Stories that Make Us.
The book is available for purchase on Amazon and elsewhere. Seattle Public Library also has this book in stock to borrow as a hardcopy, e-book, or audiobook.
The office now has a small number of books available for you to pick up. Suggested donation is $10 (cash or check OK).
Per usual, we will be offering a couple of facilitated small group opportunities to discuss the book together (beginning the week of February 26th), or you're welcome to read along on your own.
Small groups will be running
on Tuesday evenings and Thursdays at lunchtime
Tuesdays in Lent (join for any or all parts of the evening)
5:30pm Centering Prayer (Hybrid)
6pm "Sides Only" Potluck (bring a salad or side to share)
6:45pm Book Discussion (Hybrid)
Thursdays in Lent (join for one or both)
11:30am Centering Prayer (Hybrid)
12pm Bag Lunch Book Discussion (Hybrid)
Please read the preface and Chapter 1 in preparation for the first meetings (Tuesday Feb 28 or Thursday March 2).