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Roger Lee

Presbytery Connections - August 2021

The Rev. Dr. Jean Kim, who founded 15 programs to support people experiencing homelessness, died on July 3. She helped advise WPPC on its homeless ministry. For more information see: homelessness-in-the-seattle-area-dies-at-age-86/ Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) helped sponsor an update on the migrants and refugees involved in the Southern European camps. In describing the McCormick Seminary award to David Barnhart, the PDA story ministry that he guides is highlighted. For more information, see:;https:// mater/ PDA is also provided support to address food insecurity needs of Native Americans in the Synod of Southwest due to the pandemic, to help flooding victims in Mississippi, and raise awareness of inhumane conditions for unaccompanied migrant children at Fort Bliss, Texas. For more information, see: bayou/ government-treatment-of-migrant-children/ A recent article from Presbyterians Today describes the assistance that spiritual directors can provide. For more information, see: The Presbyterian Publishing Company is introducing Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living, a new curriculum for the PC(USA). It is designed to work with churches of all sizes. For more information, see: -units-of-its-new-follow-me-curriculum/

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